Saturday, August 14, 2010

Service &Learning

This was a VERY ENJOYABLE experience! We were able to dig right in Mon AM. A group of us started in the pre-K "cottage". This was a little house that was across the street from the main school. We met the pre-K teacher & and her assistant and began clearing floor space so the room could be set up for the students that would be arriving later in the week.
During the day on Mon I had the opportunity to talk with Jeanie (the pre-K teacher) about her personal Katrina experience. It's one thing to watch what happened 5 years ago on the news, listening to Jeanie relate what she went through was eye opening. She was able to get out before the storm hit but she lost EVERYTHING when her house was flooded by 8 foot of water! Her experience makes me realize how trivial most of the things I worry & complain about really are. Jeanie was knocked down but got back up and is making use of her many talents @ John Dibert School. She's my new hero!

1 comment:

  1. you go, Gary! You are my hero. It was very nice working with you.
    Thanks for taking part in this awsome adventure
