Sunday, August 1, 2010


What an amazing trip!

My expectations of the trip were of hard labour, lots of sweating, and ensuring that the school is inhabitable for teachers and youngsters as the school year starts.
I was wrong.
Instead it was lots of hard laminate cutting, lots of sweating, and ensuring that the school is pretty for teachers and youngsters as the school year starts.  :)  Worth every minute!

Kipp appears to be an amazing school to work at and attend.  The staff is more upbeat, kind, fun-loving, and enthusiastic than I have ever seen out of a school and the students I passed in the halls did not hesitate with smiles and welcoming hellos.  I got the chance to sit down with a few of the teachers and I was surprised to find out that many of them are transplants from the likes of San Diego, New York, Chicago,  and St. Louis.  Many of them were apparently "just looking for something new" when they made their move to New Orleans.  (Sounds familiar, as I plan on moving as well after I graduate.)

More than anything else on this trip, the appreciation that the staff showed us will follow me.  Their kindness hit a deep well in my heart and brightly restored its red flush.  I have been humbled and reassured of my new career choice.

...and I can't wait to do it again next year!

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