Friday, July 30, 2010

from Carol

It's been so interesting to see what the teachers at Kipp use for their reading classes - leveled books, Reading a-z, etc. I haven't asked what math program they use, or what programs they use for their special ed. classes, or even do they have self-contained special ed. classes? If I get the chance, I'll try to ask someone today. And it's been interesting and helpful to hear about all the various programs my fellow volunteers use in their schools. I remember 20+ years ago when I first started teaching, there wasn't so much out there. We've come a long way, in terms of helpful programs and support for teachers in the classroom.

One thing I disagree with here at Kipp is apparently they don't recycle! They go through a ton of laminating materials and paper, so they use a lot of resources. I think all schools, because we are such consumers of resources, should be recycling on a daily basis.

What an interesting experience this has been...

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